Monday, September 30, 2013

Steak on a Diet?!?

This is Elissa, Kathleen's older daughter, again. I got some positive feedback from my last blog, so at least a few of my friends read it, and their approval is all I really need. Sarah mentioned in the previous entry that we started the 7 Years Younger Diet with our mom about a week ago. My mom found the plan and I agreed without a second thought... I mean just the title got me... Heck yes, I'd like to look 23 again! 

You see, I've done my fair share of dieting over the years. I've even had good success through both old-fashioned calorie counting and Weight Watchers, but there was one mortal flaw. I always ate the same food I had been eating... Just much, much less of it. Yes, I lost weight, but I was always hungry, and I'm sure very, very cranky.

So a couple kids and a full time job later I needed a change! I like the cookbook and pre-fabricated menus. I use them as a guide because I try to choose food that my husband and kids will also like. I must say, so far my kids have eaten, and the hubby hasn't complained that I'm starving him to death (at least to my face).

Here's his favorite so far:

Steak Sandwich with Grilled Onions

1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon brown sugar (optional) I left it out, but I don't normally cook with it, either.
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1 1/4 pound flank steak
1 medium red onion, cut into 4 thick slices
8 slices whole grain sourdough bread, toasted on the grill. I used whole wheat hoagies because the bakery was out of sourdough, gah!
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 bunch arugula, I used spinach, well, because I had spinach.

1. In large baggie, mix soy sauce, vinegar, sugar (if using), thyme and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add steak and marinade for 15 minutes at room temperature or an hour in the fridge.

2. Preheat gas grill and skewer the onions for easier handling. 
***Yeah, if you don't have a grill basket, go buy one immediately. YOU WILL NEVER SKEWER VEGGIES AGAIN!!! It's so much easier and carries less of a chance of burning yourself. I bought mine at Albertsons for like $10. Trust me and just say no to skewers! (see below).

2. Remove steak from marinade; pour marinade into 1-quart saucepan. Boil 2 minutes. 
**It smells amazing!**

4. Grill steak and onion 12-15 minutes until onion is browned and meat is tender. Brush both with marinade occasionally and turn each once. Grill bread last. Transfer steak to cutting board, separate onion into rings.

5. Thinly slice steak diagonally across the grain. Arrange onion rings and steak on 4 slices of bread; spoon any meat juices over onion and meat. Top with tomatoes, arugula and 4 remaining slices of bread.

Yes, it's as delicious as it looks. There is a suggested grilled banana dessert, but we were both too full. So ladies, if you want to fool your man into dieting, or just need a break from salad, indulge in one of these :-).

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